In the November 2024 issue of Miniature Wargames magazine John Treadway writes “Does Size Matter”. There he discusses how he switched his Hammer’’s Slammers game from 15 mm scale to 6 mm scale without changing the rules at all. That is he kept all the movement and ranges the same as the 15mm game and found that it really didn’t affect play much at all, except that he could fit more on a table. This is in the context of convention play. Anyway, related somewhat to the scaling discussion. Figure scale is clearly much less important than ground scales.
This is precisely the confusion that we had in that original discord discussion. When I say figure scaling I don't mean "how big is a man"; I mean "how many men does a figure represent".
In the November 2024 issue of Miniature Wargames magazine John Treadway writes “Does Size Matter”. There he discusses how he switched his Hammer’’s Slammers game from 15 mm scale to 6 mm scale without changing the rules at all. That is he kept all the movement and ranges the same as the 15mm game and found that it really didn’t affect play much at all, except that he could fit more on a table. This is in the context of convention play. Anyway, related somewhat to the scaling discussion. Figure scale is clearly much less important than ground scales.
You can go down easily, but not up, unless you're already playing at skirmish level.
This is precisely the confusion that we had in that original discord discussion. When I say figure scaling I don't mean "how big is a man"; I mean "how many men does a figure represent".