The Killing Fields is a 1:1 skirmish level wargame I am designing, based on the wargaming principles of the founders of our hobby. The core of the game is inspired by The Siege of Bodenberg, by Henry H Bodenstedt, with other mechanics and concepts informed by my studies of Tony Bath, Don Featherstone, Bill Lamming and more.
The PDF of the game will be available soon on the itchio,, and a POD will be available via lulu very soon!
I ran a playtest game with Captain Hook on Sunday, re-enacting the Battle of Black Moor Castle. You can see a video introduction at the end of the post. (A second post will be going out to paid subs with a longer video including a complete turn of the playtest. Paid subs will also receive a playtest copy of the rules to review prior to publication!)
We used game pieces from Risk: Europe mounted on 25mm squares and simple, 2D terrain.
We had a blast, and found a few little kinks in the melee combat rules. Which is why we playtest!
Be sure to subscribe to the yootoob channel for more updates on this over the next couple of weeks. I will be running the public debut of the game at Carnage Con in Vermont this November.
I want to thank all of the subscribers for your support over the past couple of weeks during my wife’s cancer diagnosis. Your notes and replies are very much appreciated!
Stay tuned for more, and please consider sharing this stack with your wargaming friends!
The situation at the beginning of Turn Two: The Baron’s archers on the battlements fire upon Arneson’s light horse and John’s pikemen as the caravan lines up to continue their journey.
Below: John’s swordsmen overrun the the treacherous Baron’s archers hiding in the corner, while a unit of Black Moor militia lurk in the shadows of the stables!